Customized Control Solutions for Optimal Success
The power grid has been evolving and as a result, a large majority of power generators will soon be moving to Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The arrangement of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) is seen as an urgent requirement that can expedite the transition to 100% RES. The challenge is ensuring stability and resilience by integrating DERs into the grid operation.
The strength of DERs can locally match a variety of resources to the load. Technology can’t do much in the face of natural disasters like fires and floods, but localized DERs can help keep the lights and emergency services on in the ravaged areas.
Microgrids are the most popular and an important part of the DER family. Microgrids are mini versions of power grid, complete with distributed generation, safety protection and energy storage capabilities supplied by a combination of wind, PV-Solar, battery energy storage systems (BESS) coupled with advanced control systems, capable of black start and islanding capabilities. In the past, these were smaller systems located behind the meter, sized for individual customers. The current crop of these systems moved to the front of the meter and are getting larger in scale.
Microgrids are gaining acceptance by grid owners and operators. Transition to 100% Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) like PV-Solar, Wind and BESS comes with unique challenges like:
- Connecting IBRs in weak grid areas: Localize capability to stabilize nearby IBR generation.
- Supporting system security: Capability to provide requisite inertia and system strength.
- Island operation: Capability to operate in standalone mode.
- System restart: Capability of restoration/black-start.
These challenges can be addressed by using Grid-forming IBRs and Grid-following IBRS, in combination based on the application.
Microgrid Solutions Overview
Grid-Following & Grid-Forming IBRS
Selection of Grid-forming and/or Grid-following IBRs supported with custom PPC/EMS/MPC is required for microgrid sites with BESS, PV-Solar plants, Diesel/Gas generators along with load management. Microgrids can be autonomous or partly autonomous.
Our custom control schemes to maximize benefits (in both Grid connected and Off-Grid states):
- Optimize power management.
- Maintain Power quality.
- Optimize BESS life.
- Optimize load management.
- Emergency backup power.
- Smooth connection/disconnection from grid.
- Islanding.
- BESS charging/discharging logs for ITC/PTC claims.
- Black start.
- Any other site-specific requirements.
Empower Your IBRS Project
Custom control schemes are required for different IBRs technologies to ensure the success of your project. We offer custom built non-proprietary on-site SCADA System including Historian, PPC, EMS/MPC and MET station solutions for PV-Solar/PV-Solar + BESS/BESS only sites.
Reliability & Resilience
Backup power source to ensure uninterrupted operations.
Energy Management Capabilities:
IBRs microgrids can actively manage and optimize energy consumption based on demand and supply conditions.
Load Shifting and Demand Response:
IBRs microgrids can implement load shifting techniques by storing excess renewable energy in BESS during times of high generation and utilizing it during peak demand periods. This maximizes renewable energy usage and reduces reliance on the grid during expensive peak demand periods.
Seamless Integration of Renewable Sources:
Grid-following and grid-forming IBRS can seamlessly integrate different renewable energy sources, such as solar PV, wind turbines, and even energy from storage systems.
Stay Powered Up, Even When the Grid Goes Down.
Power Plant Controls for Grid-Following & Grid-Forming IBRS
For in-depth insights and further knowledge, check out our blog post